Trap Shooting Schedule
Trap will take place on Thursdays
Season will begin on Thursday April 4 at 5pm
and will continue every Thursday through the Fall
2024 FEES
$6.00 for members
$7.00 for non-members
Signing up – AFTER you are done shooting on a squad, then you may sign up for another squad. Do NOT sign up in advance as this is unfair to newly arriving shooters.
Price – Trap will be $6.00 for members, $7.00 for non-members. After you are done shooting for the day, please pay between squads. It is very hard for the scorekeeper to take your money and keep score at the same time. Exact change is always appreciated.
IF you are a new shooter, please ask if you have any questions about how things run. We keep things simple, but there is a protocol to trap shooting that we follow. Free instruction is always available.
Eye and ear protection must be worn by anyone in the vicinity of the shooting pads.
Guns are to be kept unloaded with actions open until shooter is on an active shooting station, muzzle pointed down range and targets prepared for launching.
Shooter will not turn around or leave the shooting stations without first opening the action and removing the shells.
All guns are to be carried by shooter with the muzzle in front of them and pointed down.
If the trap needs adjustment in the middle of a round, all gun actions will be opened and shells removed before anyone goes downrange